Why Frenchies Are So Stubborn – The Surprising Truth!

Stubborn French Bulldogs Why Do They Do It

Stubborn French Bulldogs are a common sight, but why are they so stubborn Is it a breed trait Or is there something else going on

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why French Bulldogs are so stubborn, and we’ll offer some tips on how to deal with their stubbornness.

We’ll also provide some insight into the history of the French Bulldog breed, and we’ll discuss how their breeding may have contributed to their stubborn nature.

Why Are Frenchies So Stubborn?

French Bulldogs are known for being stubborn, but there is actually a surprising truth behind this behavior. Frenchies are brachycephalic, which means they have short snouts. This can cause breathing problems, which can make them irritable and less likely to cooperate. Additionally, Frenchies are very intelligent dogs, and they can become bored easily if they are not given enough mental stimulation. This can also lead to stubbornness. By understanding the reasons behind French Bulldog stubbornness, you can better address the behavior and help your dog to be more cooperative.

Why Are French Bulldogs So Stubborn?

What is Stubbornness?

Stubbornness is a common trait in French Bulldogs. It is often characterized by a dog’s unwillingness to obey commands or comply with requests. Stubborn dogs may also be resistant to change and may have difficulty learning new things.

What Causes Stubbornness in French Bulldogs?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to stubbornness in French Bulldogs. These include:


Some breeds of dogs are more likely to be stubborn than others. French Bulldogs are one of these breeds.

Early socialization:

Puppies that are not properly socialized may develop a stubborn streak as adults. Socialization is the process of exposing a puppy to different people, places, and things. It helps to teach puppies how to interact with the world around them and to develop good manners.

Lack of training:

Dogs that are not properly trained may also become stubborn. Training teaches dogs what is expected of them and helps them to develop obedience skills.

Inconsistent training:

Dogs that are trained inconsistently may become confused and may start to test their boundaries. It is important to be consistent with your training methods and to reward your dog for good behavior.


Dogs that are bored may become destructive and may develop a stubborn streak. It is important to provide your dog with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored.

How to Deal with a Stubborn French Bulldog

If you are dealing with a stubborn French Bulldog, there are a few things you can do to help manage the behavior.

Be patient:

Stubbornness is a common trait in French Bulldogs, so it is important to be patient when dealing with this behavior. Yelling at or punishing your dog will only make the situation worse.

Set clear boundaries:

It is important to set clear boundaries for your dog and to enforce them consistently. This will help your dog to understand what is expected of them.

Reward good behavior:

When your dog does something good, be sure to reward them with a treat or praise. This will help to encourage good behavior and to discourage bad behavior.

Provide plenty of exercise and mental stimulation:

A bored dog is a more likely to become destructive and stubborn. Make sure to provide your dog with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored.

Consult with a professional trainer:

If you are struggling to deal with your dog’s stubbornness, you may want to consult with a professional trainer. A trainer can help you to develop a training plan that is specific to your dog’s needs.


Stubbornness is a common trait in French Bulldogs. However, it is important to remember that stubbornness is not a bad thing. In fact, it can be a sign of intelligence and independence. With patience, consistency, and training, you can help your stubborn French Bulldog to become a well-behaved member of your family.

Also Read: What Are Tan Points On A French Bulldog

FAQs: Why are French Bulldogs so stubborn?

Why are French Bulldogs so stubborn?

French Bulldogs are known for being stubborn, but there are a few reasons why this might be the case.

They are a brachycephalic breed: Brachycephalic breeds, like French Bulldogs, have short muzzles and flat faces. This can make it difficult for them to breathe properly, which can lead to them becoming irritable and stubborn.

They are intelligent and independent: French Bulldogs are intelligent and independent dogs, which means that they can be difficult to train. They may not always want to do what you want them to do, and they may try to assert their independence by being stubborn.

They are protective of their owners: French Bulldogs are very loyal and protective of their owners, and they may become stubborn when they feel threatened. This is especially true if they feel like their owner is being threatened by someone else.

Are French Bulldogs more stubborn than other breeds?

French Bulldogs are not necessarily more stubborn than other breeds, but they can be. However, all dogs have their own unique personalities, and some dogs are more stubborn than others.

How can I deal with a stubborn French Bulldog?

There are a few things you can do to deal with a stubborn French Bulldog.

Be patient and consistent: It takes time and patience to train a stubborn dog, so you need to be patient and consistent with your training methods.

Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is the best way to train a dog, and it is especially effective for stubborn dogs. When your dog does something you want them to do, reward them with a treat or praise.

Set realistic expectations: Don’t expect your French Bulldog to be perfect. All dogs make mistakes, and stubborn dogs are more likely to make mistakes than other dogs.

Be firm and assertive: Stubborn dogs need to know who is the boss. If you let your dog get away with being stubborn, they will only become more stubborn.

Can a stubborn French Bulldog be trained?

Yes, a stubborn French Bulldog can be trained. However, it may take more time and effort than training a less stubborn dog.

Are there any health problems associated with stubbornness in French Bulldogs?

There are no known health problems associated with stubbornness in French Bulldogs. However, stubbornness can lead to behavioral problems, such as aggression and destructiveness.


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